Red Osier Dogwood Gathering 2025 (Registration closed)

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red osier dogwood cuttings.jpg
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Red Osier Dogwood Gathering 2025 (Registration closed)


Date and time: February 12, 2025. 9am-4pm PST

Location:Hoyt Arboretum (4000 SW Fairview Blvd, Portland, OR)


Maximum number of registrants: 14

Description: Gather red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea subsp. occidentalis or stolonifera - outdated name, but still in use); at  Hoyt Arboretum, in Portland, Oregon.

Hoyt Arboretum trims their dogwood and shares the trimmings with us.

This is a free gathering, for CBBG members only; if you are not a member, but would like to become one - we welcome you! To become a Guild member, click here.

Note: Registration is required for this event. Register by clicking “Add to cart” below - you will go through the checkout process, but the price will be $0.

The last day to register for this gathering is February 8, 2025. When registration closes, more details will be sent to the registrants via email.

Red Osier dogwood is a native shrub of the Pacific Northwest. Dogwood can have several shades of red, orange and green. Weave it fresh; do your project as soon as possible, because the bark damages easily when dried and rehydrated. To keep cuttings fresh,  stand them in a bucket of water outside. They can be held and used this way until the leaves grow. Emergence of leaf cuttings changes the bark. 

Email with any questions.

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