Join the Guild or Renew your Membership
Membership runs July through December, 2024.
Family memberships are also available; see more information below.
To become a member, download and print the Membership Form, or continue below.
Membership benefits include:
Eligibility to attend Guild programs, workshops, materials gatherings, and other events
Subscription to the monthly newsletter, The Ultimate Weft
Advance notice of annual Tidal Twinings Retreat
Eligibility to participate in study groups, committees, gallery shows, and displays
Eligibility for the Guild's member grants program
Eligibility for Guild scholarships
Access to the Guild's resource library that includes a large selection of books, videos, tools, and molds
Voting at meetings and eligibility for leadership positions
Family memberships for a half-year start at $15 plus $2.50 for each family member and include eligibility for family members to attend classes, workshops, monthly programs, Basket Day, materials gatherings, retreat, and the Holiday Potluck. Family members can also participate in the Guild’s gallery shows. To see a full list of family membership benefits, click here.
Business Memberships ($20/ July-December) include use of the Guild's membership list to promote basketry-related products and events.
If you are wondering if your membership is current, or if you have any questions about membership at all, please email