Wavy Willow Pack or Handled Basket
Wavy Willow Pack or Handled Basket
Make a Wavy Willow Pack or handled Basket using Tapestry Weave (or Packing) and a variety of colorful withies, roots, vines, and bark. Students can choose from two oval base styles and several kinds of borders. Pack straps are not included in the class.
The class will be located at Willowbee in the SE Salem area (7893 Olney St SE Salem 97317) where there is a 32' X 36' shop suitable for indoor classes. If the weather is nice, we may work outdoors as well.
You will pay the class fee online and the material fee at class time. Registration deadline is September 18. No refunds after September 18. This class is for members only.
Instructor: Margaret Pegg Mathewson
Date/Time: Saturday October 9, 9am - 5pm AND Sunday, October 10, 9am - 5pm
Location: Willowbee in the SE Salem area (7893 Olney St SE Salem 97317)
Number of Students: 12
Supplies needed: hat/visor, sunscreen, sharp pruners, sharp knife, rapping iron, large awl/bodkin, portable work table (only if you have one). If you don’t have a rapping iron or an awl/bodkin, extras will be available during class.
Class fee: $80
Materials fee: $60 due at the time of class, payable to Margaret Pegg Mathewson.
Limited onsite lodging is available. Lodging Fee: $25/night for indoor lodging, limited spaces so please email Carol Horvath ColumbiaBasinBasketryGuid@gmail.com to reserve and pay her directly.
$15/night for camping, unlimited, and no need to reserve space ahead of time.
When this offering is sold out, we will take names until September 18 for a wait list. To add your name, email ColumbiaBasinBasketryGuild@gmail.com with the name of the class and your contact information.