A study group of the Columbia Basin Basketry Guild
Our July meeting, will feature 3 rod whaling or tripe twining, a basket weaving technique, on a gourd. Nancy Kiltz an experienced basket weaver will teach us this technique. Bring your own gourd, cut and ready to weave, but it will need to be thicker to insert the weavers so an Oregon gourd will not work.
Room Rental: $5 (bring to meeting)
Material fees: Weaving reed $5
What to bring
Gourd needed – thick gourd 5” to 7” in diameter, cut and cleaned with a flat rim. We will have a limited number of gourds cut and ready to weave for $10 each but you will need to reserve one. To reserve gourd notify Jane janewilson1949@outlook.com
Tools needed – scissors for cutting reed, awl, needle nose pliers, bucket, towel and drill with 5/64” drill bit.
Open to
To all skill levels
Need information about the study group contact, Jane Wilson janewilson1949@outlook.com or Kim Black kblack5@msn.com.
Not a member? Join the Guild today!