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Tidal Twinings: CANCELLED

Retreat Brochure Coming via Email Only

Registration is now open for CBBG’s annual Tidal Twinings retreat, September 16-20, 2020.

Please open and download the retreat brochure. You will need to print the registration pages.

While normally brochures are printed and sent in the mail, because of the coronavirus pandemic the CBBG Retreat Committee wanted to eliminate the need for press-checking the brochure at the printer, purchasing stamps at a post office, and handling the brochures to affix the postage. We hope that everyone understands.

We understand that you may be reluctant to commit to registering. We want to assure you that should restrictions still be in place in August-September, and Tidal Twinings needs to be cancelled, you will receive a full refund.

Also, we recognize that even if restrictions are lifted, you may still be uneasy about attending. Therefore, this year you may cancel up to August 22 with a full refund and no additional fee.

Finally, we ask you to adhere to our printed schedule and register by June 26. This will give us a decent idea of where we stand as we consider next steps. And, you may postdate your registration check/charge to June 26.

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