Artworks by David Bacharach.
Date & time: Thursday, March 14, 2024. 6:30pm PST
Location: Online via Zoom.
Cost: This is a free event, and there’s no need to RSVP. This meeting is open to CBBG members only. If you are not a member but would like to become one, click here.
Description: March’s general meeting will be online over Zoom. We will be talking with David Bacharach, a metalsmith who has been creating work from his studio outside of Baltimore for over 30 years. He is known for his signature woven copper technique and his emphasis on patinas, texture, and natural forms.
Words from David:
How I work and what inspires me
It’s spring in the woodland west of my home. I’m visiting the gnarled oak stump where bloodroot reliably blooms each year. Scattered around this monument to the once commanding tree, ephemeral blossoms variable in leaf and flower, soft, white and delicate, push aside the winter’s leaf litter to emerge each year. Today sunlight slants across the woodland floor. Five silver-white blossoms, each balanced on a slender stem, are held aloft by a collar of sapphire leaves.
The springtime phenomena doesn’t easily translate to baskets or sculpture, but the desire to preserve this ephemeral event invariably results in countless photographs, sketches, and notes – stored on my bench and taped to the studio’s walls. These images under the weight of time, compress into ideas. Individual ideas coalesce into three dimensional forms of plaited, recycled copper, accented with patina and polychrome.
I rarely consider a work truly finished. I’m inclined to rework, dissect and collage until the form reaches a comfortable equilibrium. This is the time I allow myself to step back, contemplate, and enjoy what began as a feeling in the woodland many months earlier.
Artist David Bacharach.