About the program
Twill is a form of plaiting, widely used by basket makers in the Southwest and Northwest. Twills can be done with many materials, such as cedar, reed, and paper
Practice your twills at our April member meeting using paper strips. Can you make a 3/3? What about a 5/2? Susan Hanks will facilitate.
The meeting will open at 6:30 p.m. with library and social time. Don't forget to check out the orphan table and material sales.
We will call to order at 7:00 p.m. for Guild announcements, member sharing, and the monthly program.
Three / 3 twill sample. Photo by Susan Hanks
About the presenter
Susan Hanks is a highly talented weaver in many media. She has been a volunteer and leader of the Guild for many years.
Who can attend
The Guild's monthly programs are free and open to all Guild members. Guests considering membership are also welcome to attend a program before deciding to join. Not a member? Join the Guild today!