Upper Left, Sweetgrass; Upper Right, Cherry Bark; Lower Left, Iris Leaves; Lower Right, Cedar Bark
Class: Cedar Bark Preparation with Susan Hanks and Abby Goodman
Bring your own cedar and learn to prepare it for weaving. Jerry strippers to size your strips will be set up in several widths. Special attention will be given to possible student projects such as: plaiting, twining, open weave, folded basket, cordage, as well as size of basket.
Tools for Cedar Bark Preparation: soaking bucket, large scissors, sharp knife, jerry stripper (if you have one), string, brown paper bags, apron, towel, splitting block (if you have one)
Cost: Free, Bring your own cedar. None will be provided
Class Size: 20
Information on soaking cedar prior to prep will be provided when you sign up
Class: Cherry Bark folded basket with Kat Black
Learn about gathering, processing, and preparing Cherry Bark. Make a small folded bark basket using a pattern and brads to fasten.
Tools: pencil, scissors, card board (cereal box or cracker box), awl or punch, piece of root or other embellishment to decorate your basket.
Material Cost: $10
Class Size: 8
Class: Iris Leaves with Barbara Kommer
Learn about growing, harvesting, drying, and preparing Siberian (and other) iris leaves. Make a small corn husk and iris leaf basket.
Tools: scissors, towel, spray bottle
Material Cost: $8
Class Size: 12
Class: Western Sweetgrass with Heather Houston
Learn about gathering sweet grass, review CBBG guide-lines, discuss how to dry, store, and prepare it for weaving. Make a small basket with sweetgrass spokes and weavers or cedar spokes and sweetgrass weavers. Basket will be shorter than one pictured.
Tools: small scissors, towel, spray bottle
Material Cost: $8
Class Size: 12
All classes are appropriate for all skill levels. Classes are planned for 2 hours each, which will enable attendees to take 2-3 classes and get experience with different materials.
Registration deadline: July 27, 2019, All Clasess Require Sign-up
Time and Place
Saturday, August 18, 2018
9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. with 30 minute break for lunch. It's a potluck!
Mary S. Young State Park, 19900 Willamette Drive (Hwy 43), West Linn, Or
Open to
Registration is open to Guild members only. Not a member? Join the Guild today!
To Register
For registration information, contact Heather Houston