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January General Meeting with Cael Chappell, Weaver and Advocate “Further Musings on My Work and African Baskets”

CBBG January General Meeting with Cael Chappell, Weaver and Advocate, “Further Musings on My Work and African Baskets”

Thursday, January 19, 2023, 6:30 pm PDT, Online via Zoom

To attend, you must RSVP. Members only, please. Send an email with the subject “January Zoom" to Please put your full name and email address in the body of the message. We will email you a meeting invitation a few days before the event.

Cael Chappell will share a slideshow retrospective on his weaving and artistic journey. He’ll provide a quick recap and content new and different from his previous presentation. Cael last spoke to CBBG 12/2020. 

Read more about Cael and his work at - I enjoy creating my own baskets in my personal style. I’m developing a language in basketry, sometimes whimsical and at other times serious, to convey my impressions of places, things, people, concepts, and miscellany. My material of choice is waxed flax linen thread because it’s a tiny material that allows me to execute complex designs in a small basket. I enjoy creating the diminutive structures and shapes of a basket with these complicated combinations of designs. My favorite techniques to use are twining, reverse twining, and 3 or 4 rod wale. Baskets of Africa was founded in 2002. Cael Chappell started working in African art and crafts in 1991 and fell in love with the incredible artistry and creativity of African basket weavers. This led to the creation of Baskets of Africa in order to focus attention on these amazing weavers and their work. We always operate in an environment of mutual trust and respect with the weavers and craft co-ops we represent.