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Gather Already-Cut Red Osier Dogwood from Hoyt Arboretum (Registration closed)

  • Hoyt Arboretum SW Bray Lane and SW Fischer Lane Portland, OR (map)

CBBG members can collect cut red osier dogwood branches from Hoyt Arboretum throughout the day on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. There is no charge for this event. To register for this event, just email with the subject line “Gathering Dogwood,” and please include your name and phone number in the email.

Arboretum staff cut the shrubs each year and make the cuttings available to CBBG members. You do not need to contact the arboretum; the Guild has made arrangements on your behalf.

Red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) is a native shrub that grows in the woodlands of Pacific Northwest where rain is abundant.  These flexible twigs are comparable to willow but not as slender.   The shrubs do best when trimmed every winter, as they do at Hoyt Arboretum.  They trim and share with us.

The branches will be found stacked beyond the gate at SW Bray Lane and SW Fischer Lane.  Bring pruning shears to trim and cord to bundle the red osier into your car.

Weave it fresh; do your project as soon as possible.  The red bark is damaged easily when dried and rehydrated.  To keep them fresh, stand them in a bucket of water outside.  They can be held and used this way until leaves grow.  Emergence of a leaf changes the bark.  

You may pick up the red osier dogwood any time on Wednesday, February 15.  Go early for the best selection and carpool as parking space is limited.